〈談文論譯 Q & A〉「罵人不帶髒字」
的英文 蘇正隆
He curses people without spewing profanities. 這樣說可以嗎?謝謝。
A:"He was cursing/cussing/swearing." "He was using foul language." 就是「罵人」、「說髒話」,因此 “curses people without spewing profanities” 似乎不合邏輯。Google (September 22, 2019)
找不到 "curses people without spewing profanities" 的結果。
網路上可以找到一篇 Profanity Without Using Curse Words 的文章,作者提到他避免出口成「髒」,會用 “darn”, “crap”, “shoot” 等詞來代替damn, shit 等冒犯意味嚴重的字眼 (use nice versions like “darn”, “crap”, and “shoot” instead of the usual fare)。這篇文章的標題 “Profanity without using curse words” 用來表示「罵人不帶髒字」倒挺貼切。
你也可以說:“Scolding someone without using foul language” 或 “Getting on someone without using foul language” 。
Scolding someone 和美語的 Getting on someone 同樣是「罵人」,但 Getting on someone 其實是把人家罵個不停 (to criticize someone repeatedly),卻輕鬆自稱只是「說了他一頓」,跟中文的說法有異曲同工之妙。(September 22, 2019)