隻,破31年紀錄 蘇正隆
每年9月中下旬是赤腹鷹 (Accipiter soloensis) 過境高峰,墾丁地區今年已經記錄到超過25萬,刷新歷年紀錄,「赤腹鷹」為鷹科 (Accipitridae) 鷹屬的猛禽 (bird of prey/raptor),英文叫 Chinese Sparrowhawk,以下英文節自 Wikipedia。
The Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis) is a bird of prey (掠食性鳥類) in the family Accipitridae (鷹科) which also includes many other diurnal raptors (晝行性猛禽) such as eagles (雕), buzzards (鵟) and harriers (鷂).
The Chinese sparrowhawk feeds mainly on frogs, but will take lizards as well. It is a bird of wooded areas. Lives mainly in forests but sometime lives on edges.
台灣英文教材裡往往把 eagles (雕) 解釋為「鷹」,其實 eagles 是大型猛禽「雕」,hawk 才是「鷹」,是小型猛禽。以下為常見猛禽名稱的中英文對應:
vulture 禿鷲,eagle 鵰、鷲,hawk 鷹,kite 鳶,buzzard 鵟,goshawk 蒼鷹,harrier 鷂,falcon 隼 (Jerome Su, Oct. 4, 19)