Social Distancing vs. Social Distance 蘇正隆
保持「人際」安全距離 vs. 社會距離
Social Distancing 是為了防止疾病傳播,保持 (人際/社交) 安全距離,但是社會心理學也有一個很接近的術語 Social Distance (社會距離),不要混淆。
「社會距離」係指人與人、群體與群體之間的等級或關係親疏的程度。譬如生活在大都會的民眾,要接觸很多人,為保持自己心理的平衡,都市人不付出過分熱情,個體與外界保持距離,甚至多年鄰居互不往來。見以下 Wikipedia 的解釋:
Social distance describes the distance between different groups in society, such as social class, race/ethnicity, gender or sexuality. Different groups mix less than members of the same group. It is the measure of nearness or intimacy that an individual or group feels towards another individual or group in a social network or the level of trust one group has for another and the extent of perceived likeness of beliefs.
Social distancing 的 social 指的是「人際」、「社交」,不宜直譯為「社會」;distancing 則是強調「距離人群遠些」。
上圖 因應新冠肺炎疫情發展,總統蔡英文與來訪賓客保持安全距離,拱手 (fist & palm) 不握手。Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen demonstrating social distancing through use of a traditional Chinese greeting (fist & palm) instead of shaking hands in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.