〈談文論譯〉畢業典禮, 學位服  蘇正隆


六月是畢業季節,包括 Wikipedia 在內的許多網站都介紹 “The graduation ceremony itself is also called commencement, convocation or invocation.” (畢業典禮又叫做 commencement, convocation or invocation.) 不過 invocation 作為「畢業典禮」的說法不知有何根據?連完全本的 Merriam-Webster Unabridged invocation 詞條下都未見收錄這個意思。

如果搜尋 Google Ngram Viewer,「畢業致詞」的英文說法照頻率高低依次為:commencement speech, graduation speech, convocation speech,但找不到 *invocation speech (Ngrams not found: invocation speech)

畢業典禮何以叫做 commencement?因為以往大學畢業就要踏入社會工作。(We call it commencement because it marks the beginning of students' new lives in the world, the beginning of their professional life.)

畢業典禮又叫做 convocation ceremony 是台灣一般人較陌生的。見以下的一段文字: “Graduation ceremony or convocation ceremony is the most delightful event in a student's life as it marks the end of the student life and beginning of a new episode of working adults …” 

不過 convocation 除指大學裡的畢業典禮,有些學校也用來指新學年的開學典禮或頒獎典禮 “an assembly of the members of a college or university to observe a particular ceremony (as the opening of the academic year or the announcing of prizes, awards, and honors)” (Merriam-Webster Unabridged)

「準畢業生」英文有個專屬的詞,叫 graduand /ˈɡradʒʊənd/Before graduation, candidates are referred to as graduands.

畢業典禮上穿的學位服 (academic dress/academic regalia/convocation dress) 是由學位袍/畢業袍 (academic gown/graduation gown),四方帽 (square academic cap/mortarboard: a square board fixed upon a skull-cap, with a tassel 流蘇/繐子 attached) 等構成。

最後要特別注意,學位服至少有三四種說法,但不叫 graduation dress,如你 Google,會發現表面上似乎 "graduation dress" 比較多筆: (Google, 6/13/19)
"graduation dress" site:uk
約有 880,000 項結果 
"graduation gown" site:uk
約有 92,800 項結果
"convocation dress" site:uk 約有 1,700 項結果

graduation dress是指女生在畢業日學位服裡面或畢業派對上穿的洋裝,不是畢業袍。(Jerome Su, 6/17/19)



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