〈談文論譯〉修剪 Trimming vs.

Pruning 蘇正隆



圖(一)bush trimming 取自 Kable Landscaping


圖(二)ree pruning 取自 Bartlett Tree Experts


常有人問,trimming 是修剪,pruning 也是修剪,有什麼區別?



Trimming 主要是指修剪小灌木 (shrubs) 和樹籬 (hedges)pruning 則是修整樹和灌木 (trees and shrubs)Trimming is essentially applied to shrubs and hedges, pruning is meant for trees and shrubs.


Pruning 主要是為了保護樹木,去除枯死、感染的枝幹,讓樹木可以長得更強健;trimming 是主要是修剪太茂密、影響採光及水份吸收的枝葉,並讓灌木和樹籬看起來整齊美觀。


Pruning is performed in order to protect the tree or shrub which involves removal of dead or loose or infected branches so that the tree or shrub can flourish properly. Trimming is performed to ensure perfect growth of the shrub or hedge, including removing overgrown bushes that prevents the shrub from receiving enough moisture and light.


當然,trimming pruning 的區別不一定是那麼涇渭分明,會有一些重疊的地方。Sometimes pruning is also done to give a particular shape to the shrub for aesthetic purposes. 不過,簡單的說,trimming 算是小修,pruning 是較大幅度的修整。 (Jerome Su, August 14, 19)


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