〈談文論譯 Q & A〉蘇老師的英語天地






英文不是我們的母語,用英文表達時,其實都是在從事中英雙語互換的工作,難免受到中文的影響。許多耳熟能詳的說法,有時候是正確的,如:Pure gold fears no fire. (真金不怕火) ; 但有時是以訛傳訛,大家見怪不怪。如:「冬瓜茶」、「杏仁豆腐」可以譯為 *winter melon tea, *almond tofu 嗎?「戲劇選讀」課是 *Selected Readings of Drama 嗎?以下為臉友的提問。


Q: Dear Mr. Su, Sorry to bother you. Would you please help me check this English in our final musical correct or not?

# Where are we? Where are we? Where are we? 
We are on a small island named Taiwan in Asia on the Pacific Ocean on Earth in the solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy in the universe.


A: 把原來的歌詞按順序改成較短兩句,然後用 Google 來檢視:
*We are on a small island named Taiwan in Asia on the Pacific Ocean. *We are on Earth in the solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy in the universe.


"We are on a small island called" 約有 77,800 項結果 

"We are on a small island named" 約有 1 項結果


"in Asia on the Pacific Ocean" 約有 0 項結果

"in the Pacific Ocean in Asia" 約有 3 項結果


找不到 "on Earth in the solar system of " 的結果。
"on the Earth in the Solar System within" 約有 6 項結果
"in the Solar System within the Milky Way Galaxy" 約有 9,810 項結果


We are on a small island called Taiwan in the Pacific Ocean in Asia. We are on the Earth in the Solar System within the Milky Way Galaxy in the Universe.


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