Everyday Phrases for the Workplace
請表示意見 Please comment
原文(誤) For Forward
修正(正) Read Foreword
(Forward 應為 Foreword) (Forward should read Foreword)
請填寫以下資料 Please complete all information below.
請打字或以印刷體書寫 Please print or type.
申請書簽名後請傳真並寄下 Please fax and mail signed application.
傳真或掃描皆可 Faxed or scanned copies will be accepted.
填好表格請掃描以電郵傳到xxx Please scan and email completed form to xxx.
上簽呈 file an application for approval; submit an official request/proposal
主管裁示 head official’s decision; head official’s ruling
用後請歸檔 File it after use
閱畢請歸檔 File it after review
請存檔 Your file copy/Please retain it for your files
閱畢請歸還xx Return it to xx after review
請傳閱 Please circulate
請簽收 Return receipt requested
(Jerome Su, Dec. 15, 19)