原文1 (第1條款)
1.業主為開發TFD 2的土地所有權人。(詳見附件一)
1. The Proprietor is the landlord of TFD 2. (refer to attachment for details) (註一)
註一:詳見附件一,翻譯為refer to attachment for details,refer to表示參見某些文件的意思;for details 表示可以得知詳細情形的意思。
原文2 (第2條款)
2. The Proprietor consigned the Agent to look for buyers, and will pay the Agent with the commission (hereinafter referred to as the referral fee) (註一), and the referral fee will be 5%. The land transfer procedures shall be handled by the proprietor, the relevant fees payable to the government of Thailand shall be shared by both the proprietor and the buyer, and the remaining taxes shall be borne by the proprietor.
註一:下稱轉介費,翻譯為hereinafter referred to as the referral fee。hereinafter為「在下文」的意思,而referred to as …為「稱為…」的意思。因為使用hereinafter referred to as…的片語,可以讓原本的the commission(報酬)在接下來的文句裡改成the referral fee(轉介費),然後繼續以the referral fee來取代the commission。因此,hereinafter referred to as…是相當實用的片語。
原文3 (第8條款)
The Agent is only responsible for referring buyers to the Proprietor, and the Agent shall be exempted from any dispute(註一) between the Proprietor and buyers that arise from the land transaction of TFD2.
註一:任何糾紛概與經紀人無關,翻譯為the Agent shall be exempted from any dispute,而be exempted from原來的意思為被免除某些責任,在此表示經紀人不需要處理業主與買主間因土地買賣所產生之任何糾紛。
原文4 (第13條款之第二段)
倘本契約按本條款終止,且違約方為業主,則業主應支付經紀人所有待付佣金,業主並應賠償經紀人總額10% (百分之十)或泰銖200萬金額(金額取高者)為違約金。
If this Agreement is terminated under this Clause and the Defaulting Party is the Proprietor, the Proprietor shall pay agent all outstanding Commissions (註一) and the Proprietor shall compensate 10% (ten percent) of all or Thai baht 2 Million (subject to the higher one) (註二) to the Agent as the liquidated damages (註三) .
註一:待付佣金,翻譯為outstanding Commissions,而outstanding在此表示未償付的意思。
註二:金額取高者,翻譯為subject to the higher one,而subject to… 表示有傾向某種選擇的意思。
註三:違約金,翻譯為the liquidated damages,而liquidated的原來的意思為「償付的」。
原文5 (第14條款之第一句)
14. Each Party shall keep this Agreement including without limitation the existence of or the fact that the Parties have entered into this Agreement (註一) or any information obtained or disclosed in relation to this Agreement confidential, notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement.
註一:已簽署本契約,翻譯為have entered into this Agreement,而have entered into表示已進入履行契約的情形。