



莫札特低音管協奏曲K.191分析與詮釋 摘要文案





以沃夫岡.阿瑪迪斯.莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)1774年所完成的《低音管協奏曲降B大調 K.191(Concerto in B flat major for Bassoon and Orchestra KV.191)的樂曲分析與樂曲詮釋,為主要探討主題。《降B大調低音管協奏曲K.191》是莫札特寫給低音管唯一的一首協奏曲。也是一首不僅耳熟能詳且充分保留巴洛克曲風的作品。在作品中,可以聽出莫札特將低音的音域、聲線發揮得恰到好處。雖然當時低音管的按鍵系統發展尚未純熟,但時至今日,低音管在經過許多研究與改良後,已經克服了巴洛克時期以及古典時期所遇到的諸多問題。本文由協奏曲的巴洛克時期至古典時期的發展概述為講述莫札特生平概述、低音管協奏曲創作背景、樂曲分析與樂曲詮釋。分析採用的參考樂譜版本為Bärenreiter1986年所出版的管弦樂版本與2005年所出版的鋼琴伴奏版本。


關鍵詞: 莫札特低音管協奏曲




Mozart’s (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791) only bassoon concerto (註一),K 191, completed in 1774, already anticipated the technical advances that would give birth to the modern bassoon. Even though K 191 remains saturated with (註二) the musical language of Baroque, it also took it to new frontiers (註三) of sound.This thesis examines Mozart’s K 191 in the context of both the development of concerto between Baroque and Classicism and the growth of Mozart’s musicianship, especially his conceptualization of the bass register. In addition, it gives an interpretation of this concerto within the framework of current music research and analysis. The purpose is to show, to the extent possible, Mozart at work as a composer, and composition as a process (註四).Basing itself on the 1986 Barenreitre edition of the orchestral scores (註五) and the 2005 edition of the scores adapted for bassoon and piano, this thesis breaks down the three movements of the concerto into small parts in order to demonstrate how minute details accelerate into a whole concerto that embodies the spirit of Baroque and at the same time brings Classicism into full swing.

Keywords: Mozart, bassoon, concerto


註二:remains saturated with…的原來意思為仍然浸透著某種物質,而remains saturated with the musical language of Baroque在此解釋為充分保留巴洛克曲風。

註三:it also took it to new frontiers of sound的原來意思為該協奏曲將低音演奏帶領到新的領域,在此解釋為該協奏曲使低音演奏發揮得恰到好處。

註四:The purpose is to show, to the extent possible, Mozart at work as a composer, and composition as a process.的原來意思為本論文盡可能呈現莫札特身為作曲家的生平與創作過程,在此解釋為本論文敘說莫札特生平概述、低音管協奏曲創作背景、樂曲分析與樂曲詮釋。



       此篇論文摘要,簡單的說明此篇論文主要分析與詮釋莫札特的《低音管協奏曲降B大調 K.191》之情形、敘述莫札特的生平與低音管協奏曲創作背景,還有提到分析採用的參考樂譜版本。因為論文摘要屬於學術類文體,所以在翻譯論文摘要時,遣詞用字必須精準。而我們專業翻譯師,可以將音樂研究論文之原文摘要,翻譯成英文版的論文摘要,然後列出關鍵字詞的英文對應字詞,為的是讓更多外國讀者知道國內的音樂研究情形。

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