








關鍵詞: 酒精性飲料包裝視覺色彩計畫



Over recent years, Taiwan- and Japan-based alcoholic drink companies have launched a couple of fruit-flavored alcoholic drinks packaged in aluminum cans with the purpose of appealing to younger generations and those who do not prefer to consume such alcohol. Currently, Taiwan is densely dotted with convenience stores, leading to a well-developed network of sales channels, making it even more convenient for consumers to purchase alcoholic drinks.
  The purpose of the study is to understand the visual images and color schemes of the packaging of fruit-flavored alcoholic drinks sold in Taiwan, and to analyze how they influence the visual perceptions of Taiwan’s consumers. In the literature review, how visual images and color schemes constitute the basis for graphic design is explored.
  In regard to methodology, the content analysis method was applied in the first stage; data were collected and analyzed, and research samples collected and organized. For the second stage, the questionnaire method and semantic differential technique were used to collect and statistically analyze the perceptions of most of the questionnaire respondents.

These results are expected to serve as a reference for teaching and design for academia as well as industry. The results of the questionnaire survey indicate the perceptions of Taiwan’s consumers’ feelings towards the visual images and color schemes of the packaging for fruit-flavored alcoholic drink aluminum cans.


Keywords: alcoholic drinkpackaging visual designcolor scheme



  1. 第二段的第一句,The purpose of the study…直接點出本文的目的,這是在行銷類的論文摘要會常用的寫法。
  2. 第三段的第一句,employed可改成applied。前者偏向使用在人。
  3. 「不太會喝酒精性飲料的族群」應該指「比較不喜歡喝酒精性飲料的人」所以翻譯成”those who do not prefer consume such alcohol”
  4. "文獻探討部份",翻譯 "in the part of literature review” 比較清楚。
  5. 第三段裡「受測消費者的感受」,其中的「感受」一般翻譯是”feelings”,但是速意翻譯社認為將「感受」譯為”perceptions”,比起”feelings”,較能表示「不僅感受而且能體會」之意,因此,包含更多面向也能精準傳達原文的意思。
  6. 原文中最後一段出現了兩次「以供教學及業界設計者參考」,譯文經過速意翻譯師巧妙地運用精簡策略,在整理後只保留了一次(these results are expected to serve as a reference for teaching and design for academia as well as industry),使其方便閱讀但又不失原意。
  7. 最後一段第一句"derived"一字未在原文中出現,卻清楚地表達了所敘述的前後關係,又不偏離文章的原意。
  8. 第一段"Currently, Taiwan is densely dotted with convenience stores, leading to a well-developed network of sales channels",用分詞構句更顯得出句子結構的變化,也讓句意與原文的字面對照更清楚,更能幫助讀者對文章的理解!
  9. 「色彩計畫」一般是可以翻譯成,”Color plan” 或是”Color scheme”,但是,速意翻譯社認為對於專有名詞的翻譯必須以社會大眾所早已習慣的用語,尤其是專業人士所用的術語,為優先選用的語詞,這樣才能顯示出專業度。
  10. Currently, TaiWan is densely dotted With convenience stores, thus leading to a Well-developed netWork of sales channels此句的thus如果換成and感覺會更妥當。原文中據點多及網路發達應該是同時發生才會使消費者更容易購買。
  11. 譯文中最後一段的句子裡,“customers’ feeling towards the packaging for fruit-flavored alcoholic drink aluminum cans”,句中的”feelings towards” 點出論文研究的中心主旨,意即研究酒精飲品的外觀設計及色彩包裝給給消費者的感受度,所以非常貼近原文想表達的意思。





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