關鍵詞: 聯外交通、零售商場、空間動線、消費行為
The researcher selects T Shopping Mall as the studied case. T Shopping Mall is representative of sightseeing and image of the city, which attracts (註一) different types of customers (註二), such as businessmen, ordinary consumers, and tourists and, therefore, contributes to a different image from those of the other department stores. The purpose of the study is to investigate (註三) whether there are any significant differences in the number and the types of the customers, internal route selection of the customers, and consumer behavior of the customers before and after the change in transit service (opening up the MRT line) and make a comparison of the differences before and after opening up the MRT line.
The main research method is observation by the researcher, who follows individuals entering T Shopping Mall from different entrances, tracks their behavior as well as route selection, and makes a comparison of what is observed. Through review of the literature, the researcher finds that convenience has critical influence on retail malls. However, the related studies in the past mostly investigate the effects of traffic convenience on selection of locations of shops for the sake of attraction to customers, but scarcely analyze what the study aims at exploring – the effects of a change in transit service on the number and the types of the customers, and how shops can adapt their product lines to a change in transit service (註四).
The major finding in the study is that even though opening up the MRT line changes the types of customers, it has a significant effect on route B1F, which is linked to the MRT entrance, instead of the other routes from the third floor up, due to the major increase in young customers. Meanwhile, the additional finding in the study is that T Shopping Mall has arranged the positions of commodity counters on the basis of the division of the customers (註五) so as to decrease the mutual effects among the groups of customers because the new customers are not the assumed target groups.
Keywords: transit service, retail, interior route, consumer behavior
註三:The purpose of the study is to investigate…原來的意思為本研究目的為探究…。此句型常見於許多論文摘要。
註四:what the study aims at exploring – the effects…their product lines to a change in transit service.,先翻譯出原文段落末端的「本研究所欲探討的重點」what the study aims at exploring,再用破折號連接the effects…their product lines to a change in transit service (當聯外交通方式改變後,對商店人潮與顧客類型轉變之影響,以及商店可以如何調整產品線來因應)。
註五:the division of the customers原來的意思為顧客劃分,在此翻譯為顧客分流。